Medical equipment commonly used sterilization method

Publisher: Administrator Date:2022-05-30

Sterilizer is to clear all microorganisms (including spores) on objects such as instruments, dressing and other objects through physical or chemical methods to prevent the infection and disease dissemination caused by the infection caused by surgical equipment during use.


Sterile refers to the probability of survival of a single microorganism after sterilization, also known as the level of sterile protection (SAL), which is usually represented by 10-n. At present, SAL10-6 is a sterile level.


The sterilization of surgical equipment can effectively prevent hospital infection and reduce the hospital infection rate. Medical devices that are in contact with human tissue, organs, damage to the skin, and damaged mucosa are high -risk items. Common high -risk items include: puncture needles, biopsy, laparoscopy, implanted medical devices, etc. Such items have a high risk of infection and must be sterilized before use.


Common sterilization methods include: high -voltage steam sterilization, hydrogen peroxide plasma sterilization, ethylene oxide sterilization, ionizing radiation sterilization and dry heat sterilization.

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